Enjoy (from Aaron Hagney):
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Complete Final Standings
Complete Final Standings
Gold Bracket
1. Alan Blakesborough (Grey Knights)
2. Brian Poole (Grey Knights)
3. Max Rodriguez (Imperial Guard)
4. Nick Aad (Dark Eldar)
Silver Bracket
1. Brad Bitler (Space Wolves)
2. Mike Miller (Orks)
3. John Lennon (Tyranids)
4. Cliff Kump (Imperial Guard)
5. Joseph Sledge (Grey Knights)
6. Scott Lester (Grey Knights)
7. Mason Martindale (Eldar)
8. Harold Cowan (Salamanders)
9. Teddy Woody (Space Wolves)
10. Bruce Merker (Dark Eldar)
11. Rich Banks (Space Wolves)
12. Alex Aguila (Grey Knights)
13. Aaron Hagney (Tau)
14. Gabe Dieguez (Dark Eldar)
15. Ray Ortega (Space Wolves)
16. Chris Kosanke (Dark Eldar)
17. David Dos Passos (Grey Knights)
18. Jake Harai (Deathwing)
19. Brandon Irlbeck (Tyranids)
20. Chris Winans (Blood Angels)
21. Norse Hutchens (Tau)
22. Chip Witte (Chaos Space Marines)
23. Wilson Annichiarico (Eldar)
24. Kurt Williams (Deathwing)
25. Rob Carr (Space Marines)
26. Dean Morton (Blood Angels)
27. Tommy Tully (Space Wolves)
28. Shawn Phippen (Deamons)
29. Scott Hutchens (Imperial Guard)
30. Blake Gerger (Space Wolves)
31. Brandon McSween (Grey Knights)
32. Victor Hanby (Imperial Guard)
(Did not list players that dropped)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Final Results
Golden Bracket
1st place - Alan Blakesborough, Grey Knights (Easley, SC)
2nd place - Brian Poole, Grey Knights (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
Honorable Mention
Nick Aad (Miami, FL)
Max Rodriguez (Miami, FL)
Silver Bracket
1st place - Brad Bitler, Space Wolves (Miami, FL)
2nd place - Mike Miller, Orks (FL)
Best Army (Tie)
Chris Winnans - Blood Angels (Largo, FL)
Mason Martindale - Eldar (Naples, FL)
Players' Choice
Aaron Hagney - Tau (Naples, FL)
Thanks to everyone who came out and for all the fantastic support !! I'll be releasing a comprehensive tournament report later this week with lots of pictures.
Here is a special thanks to the following individuals for their support that above and beyond the call of duty:
— Matt Douthat (Clearwater, FL) - my right hand man... Couldn't have done it without him
— Harold Cowan (Brandenton, FL) - brought terrain for 12 tables
— Aaron Hagney (Naples, FL) - provided all the tournament documentation (big job and very well done)
— Chris Winans (Largo, FL) - helped us prepare all the tabletops
— James Caudill (Tampa, FL) - our local vendor (Anthem Games) who provided lots of excellent support
— Alex Aguila (Miami, FL) - brought seven other awesome players along with himself from the Miami area
— The wonderful staff at the Marriott
Many others also provided fantastic support which helped to ensure a great inaugural event. Thanks again to everyone who came out !!
2nd Day Pairings
Golden Bracket Round 1 Pairings
Brian Poole (GK) vs. Nick Aad (DE)
Alan Blakesborough (GK) vs. Max Rodriguez (IG)
Silver Bracket 2nd Round
Brad Bitler (SW) vs. John Lennon (NIDZ)
Brian Poole (GK) vs. Nick Aad (DE)
Alan Blakesborough (GK) vs. Max Rodriguez (IG)
Silver Bracket 2nd Round
Brad Bitler (SW) vs. John Lennon (NIDZ)
Friday, October 28, 2011
Directions to the Ballroom West - Hillsborough Room
When you enter the lobby go to the left and there is a hallway that leads to all the ballrooms. Go all the way to the back until you see the Hillsborough Room. That's where the GT is going to take place.
Conference room update part II - Ballroom West
We have been moved to a larger ballroom to better accommodate our venue. It will be held in the Ballroom West on the lobby level.
Conference room update
The conference room we will be using might change so ask at the front desk when you arrive at the hotel where the Warhammer 40k tournament will be held. I'll post it up today when I find out the final details.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Less than 48 hours and counting !!
The staff is ready to roll. Everything is ready !
Remember each day starts at 7:30 am. Please make sure to be there promptly. There will be some coffee to start each morning.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Registration List Update * Army Statistics
Some players have dropped and some new players have taken their places. Here is the new registration list:
01) Nick Aad--Dark Eldar
02) Alex Aguila--Blood Angels
03) Wilson Annichiarico--Chaos Daemons
04) Rich Banks--Space Wolves
05) Archit Khanuja--Tyranids
06) Ryan Baxter--Blood Angels
07) Brad Bitler--Orks
08) Alan Blakesborough--Grey Knights
09) Robert Brewer--Chaos Daemons
10) Rob Carr--Deathwing
11) Harold Cowan--Salamanders
12) Gabe Dieguez--Dark Eldar
13) Brandon Irlbeck--Death Company
14) Mike Erman--Imperial Guard
15) Aaron Hagney--Chaos Daemons
16) Victor Hanby--Imperial Guard
17) Jake Harai--Deathwing
18) Norse Hutchens--Tau
19) Scott Hutchens--Imperial Guard
20) Chris Kosanke--Dark Eldar
21) Cliff Kump--Imperial Guard
22) Carter Leach--Space Wolves
23) John Lennon--Tyranids
24) Scott Lester--Grey Knights
25) Mason Martindale--Eldar
26) Ian Mawhinney--Blood Angels
27) Brandon McSween--Grey Knights
28) Bruce Merker--Dark Eldar
29) Josh Mitchell--Blood Angels
30) Mike Miller--Orks
31) Rich Moore--Chaos Space Marines
32) Dean Morton--Blood Angels
33) Curt Ogle--Orks
34) Ray Ortega--Space Wolves
35) Christopher Overstreet--Dark Eldar
36) David Dos Passos--Grey Knights
37) Shawn Phippen--Chaos Daemons
38) Brian Poole--Blood Angels
39) Max Rodriguez--Imperial Guard
40) Nelson Roman--Tau
41) Joseph Sledge--Blood Angels
42) Chance Townsend--Space Wolves
43) Tommy Tully--Space Wolves
44) Chris Winans--Blood Angels
45) Chip Witte--Chaos Space Marines
46) Teddy Woody--Grey Knights
47) Joe Yerger--Dark Eldar
48) John White--Tyranids
49) Kurt Williams--Space Wolves
50) Ringer--Grey Knights
If you have registered and don't see your name don't worry ! Send me an email (moodhoney @ yahoo dot com) and let me know your name doesn't appear on the list. I'll take care of it for you.
Here is the most current breakdown on armies that'll be present:
Blood Angels - 9 (18%)
Dark Eldar - 6 (12%)
Grey Knights - 6 (12%)
Space Wolves - 6 (12%)
Imperial Guard - 5 (10%)
Chaos Daemons - 4 (8%)
Orks - 3 (6%)
Tyranids - 3 (6%)
Chaos Space Marines - 2 (4%)
Deathwing - 2 (4%)
Tau - 2 (4%)
Eldar - 1 (2%)
Salamanders - 1 (2%)
Blood Angels are by far the most popular followed by dark eldar, Grey Knights and Space Wolves. Imperial Guard is next then Chaos Daemons followed by all the rest.
01) Nick Aad--Dark Eldar
02) Alex Aguila--Blood Angels
03) Wilson Annichiarico--Chaos Daemons
04) Rich Banks--Space Wolves
05) Archit Khanuja--Tyranids
06) Ryan Baxter--Blood Angels
07) Brad Bitler--Orks
08) Alan Blakesborough--Grey Knights
09) Robert Brewer--Chaos Daemons
10) Rob Carr--Deathwing
11) Harold Cowan--Salamanders
12) Gabe Dieguez--Dark Eldar
13) Brandon Irlbeck--Death Company
14) Mike Erman--Imperial Guard
15) Aaron Hagney--Chaos Daemons
16) Victor Hanby--Imperial Guard
17) Jake Harai--Deathwing
18) Norse Hutchens--Tau
19) Scott Hutchens--Imperial Guard
20) Chris Kosanke--Dark Eldar
21) Cliff Kump--Imperial Guard
22) Carter Leach--Space Wolves
23) John Lennon--Tyranids
24) Scott Lester--Grey Knights
25) Mason Martindale--Eldar
26) Ian Mawhinney--Blood Angels
27) Brandon McSween--Grey Knights
28) Bruce Merker--Dark Eldar
29) Josh Mitchell--Blood Angels
30) Mike Miller--Orks
31) Rich Moore--Chaos Space Marines
32) Dean Morton--Blood Angels
33) Curt Ogle--Orks
34) Ray Ortega--Space Wolves
35) Christopher Overstreet--Dark Eldar
36) David Dos Passos--Grey Knights
37) Shawn Phippen--Chaos Daemons
38) Brian Poole--Blood Angels
39) Max Rodriguez--Imperial Guard
40) Nelson Roman--Tau
41) Joseph Sledge--Blood Angels
42) Chance Townsend--Space Wolves
43) Tommy Tully--Space Wolves
44) Chris Winans--Blood Angels
45) Chip Witte--Chaos Space Marines
46) Teddy Woody--Grey Knights
47) Joe Yerger--Dark Eldar
48) John White--Tyranids
49) Kurt Williams--Space Wolves
50) Ringer--Grey Knights
If you have registered and don't see your name don't worry ! Send me an email (moodhoney @ yahoo dot com) and let me know your name doesn't appear on the list. I'll take care of it for you.
Here is the most current breakdown on armies that'll be present:
Blood Angels - 9 (18%)
Dark Eldar - 6 (12%)
Grey Knights - 6 (12%)
Space Wolves - 6 (12%)
Imperial Guard - 5 (10%)
Chaos Daemons - 4 (8%)
Orks - 3 (6%)
Tyranids - 3 (6%)
Chaos Space Marines - 2 (4%)
Deathwing - 2 (4%)
Tau - 2 (4%)
Eldar - 1 (2%)
Salamanders - 1 (2%)
Blood Angels are by far the most popular followed by dark eldar, Grey Knights and Space Wolves. Imperial Guard is next then Chaos Daemons followed by all the rest.
Two weeks out now
Hello folks !!!
It's really close now to kick off time ! I don't really have anything new to say but would like to let you know everything is running very smoothly. Be ready for a great weekend of gaming.
: )
Monday, October 10, 2011
A couple of announcements
As you all probably know there is not a requirement for bringing a painted army but let's be honest - most people who are going to a GT want to see lots of beautifully painted armies. Therefore everyone who brings a fully painted army will receive 5 battle points as a bonus. That might not sound like much but believe me when I say it can make a difference.
The second announcement is that the winner of the golden bracket will be christened the Warmaster while the winner of the silver bracket will be christened the Emperor's Champion.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
More BeakyCon Announcements
Wow it’s already October now! My how fast time flies. BeakyCon is right around the corner.
Here is some information for you as a gamer that you need to know:
1) The GT is 2000 points.
2) No Forgeworld units are allowed.
3) We only use the GW FAQs.
4) All models must be WYSIWYG and fully assembled. Proxies are not allowed.
5) Bring 9 copies of your army list with you. Each copy must be typed and stapled with your full name appearing on the front page. We prefer that you use Army Builder if you have access to the software. Your army list must provide complete details for every unit.
6) Make sure to bring your codex, rulebook, measuring tape, templates and dice. It’s also always a good idea to bring some glue in case a mini breaks.
7) Registration starts at 7:30am on Saturday – please be there at that time. You will receive a player registration ID number and tournament kit. The tournament kit will include the scenarios, score sheets and a player tracker so you can keep a running tally of your scores. There will be some coffee for the first to arrive both mornings.
8) You can park in the Marriott hotel parking lot – the cost is $6/day.
If you have any questions then contact me via this email address.
Here is the tentative schedule...
Saturday - October 29
Sunday - October 30
We look forward to seeing you soon !!
-> G
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Some announcements
Battlefoam has shipped their support which will be in the form of some really fantastic big $$$ coupons for their awesome gaming bags !!
Spiky Bitz is shipping us a bitz bag for everyone who plays... so lots of swag even if you don't win... you still win !!
GMM Studios will paint a five man squad and Next Level Painting is going to paint a transport.
Plus there is a whole lot more crazy prize support I haven't even mentioned yet.
: )
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Just over month to go now !!
The end of October will be here before you know it. Lots of work is still in progress to make sure this is a top event for the year. We have over 40 players signed up with people coming from many states outside of Florida. Games Workshop was kind enough to donate a lot of terrain plus several local players and Anthem Games have been generous enough to make their terrain available.
Here are our sponsors who will be providing some awesome prize support:
Anthem Games
Chessex Dice
Games Workshop
GMM Studios
Legend Logos
Next Level Painting
Spiky Bitz
That's a lot of sponsors for sure !! :D
A lot of work has been put into the mission design and overall scoring system to make sure this is a highly competitive event with balanced scenarios. Good sportsmanship is a must for everyone attending. Make sure to check the blog weekly for the latest updates. The Marriott at the Tampa airport is offering discounted rooms at $125 per night with breakfast included. Each day starts early so be sure to get there early. The schedule had been posted on the blog.
We look forward to seeing you soon !!
Friday, September 9, 2011
!!! Discounted Room Rates at Marriott !!!
If you have not reserved a room yet at the Marriott note that there is a AAA discount that reduces $140/night reduced to $125/night and includes breakfast!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
BeakyCon tentative event schedule
Saturday - October 29
07:30 - 08:30 am - Player Registration
08:45 - 09:00 am - General Announcements & Round 1 Table Assignments
09:00 - 11:30 am - Round 1
11:30 - 12:15 pm - Lunch Break
12:30 - 03:00 pm - Round 2
03:30 - 06:00 pm - Round 3
Sunday - October 30
07:00 - 07:30 am - Table Assignments for Silver Bracket
07:30 - 10:00 am - Silver Bracket Round 1
10:30 - 01:00 pm - Golden Bracket Round 1 | Silver Bracket Round 2
01:00 - 01:45 pm - Lunch Break
02:00 - 04:30 pm - Golden Bracket Round 2 | Silver Bracket Round 3
05:30 - 06:30 pm - Awards Ceremony
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Sep 8th • BeakyCon Get Together at Anthem Games
This Thursday at Anthem Games we will have another get together evening for local players to meet and play some 40k. The last one was well attended. I'll be there around 6:30-7pm. Anthem Games is located on Erlich Road right off the Veterans Expressway in Tampa. There is a link to the shop's website on this blog.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Notes on BeakyCon scoring system
Here is how scoring will work for the missions:
A win is worth ten points. Each objective is worth one point. Victory points are only used for tie breakers. So for example if you win a game and take all three objectives you would score a total of 13 points that round (maximum). On the other hand if you only manage to win by victory points then you'd score 10 points that round.
Victory points will be scored using the rules from 4th edition. You will receive a set of these rules in your gaming pack when you register at the GT.
WYSIWYG will be fully enforced. If you field a unit that is not compliant it can be removed at the discretion of a judge. Contact me if you have any questions.
You must bring eight copies of your army list. All army lists must be typed and printed showing a complete breakdown for each unit. Please don't bring any hand written army lists. If an army is found to be illegal you aren't eligible to win any awards.
Swiss pairings will be used for each round and you won't have to play the same person twice.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
BeakyCon interview on 11th Company podcast #82
The interview starts around the 02:01:00 mark...
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Note on BeakyCon mission
I have decided to use four objectives for Seize Ground after lots of play testing the mission. I think this change will help to make each game more interesting and is more fair for everyone.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Anthem Games 40k Get Together • August 11th • Thursday Evening
This coming August on the 11th (Thursday) there will be a get together for 40k players. This is an opportunity for people in the local Tamps Bay area who will be attending BeakyCon to come out that evening, roll some dice and get to meet each other. I'll be there with a few objective markers to hand out. This is open to everyone so even if you're not attending the GT you can still come play some 40k with us. We will start rolling dice around 6pm.
Here is the address for Anthem Games:
5305 Ehrlich Road
Tampa, FL 33625
Tel. 813 333 5386
Here is a link to their 40k forum:
Monday, July 18, 2011
3 slots left to fill !!!
A lot of people signed up over the weekend... go figure. Anyways there are only three slots left to fill now and that is it.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
BeakyCon GT missions and overall scoring system
Here is how all missions will work for each round:
Alpha - Seize Ground (3 markers)
Bravo - Capture & Control
Charlie - Annihilation
You win the mission by scoring the most objectives. If there is an overall draw on objectives then the winner is decided by pure victory points. If by some rare twist of fate there is also a draw on victory points then there are measures to decide the winner - such as play another turn for that game. Note there is a winner each round.
The markers for Seize Ground can be placed 6" from a table edge. All mission special rules are in place such as Deep Strike and Outflank.
Each mission will use one of the standard deployment options such as Dawn of War.
Swiss Pairings
The first round on Day One will use random pairings then all other rounds will use the Swiss Sysyem.
Number of Turns
There are six turns then a seventh on a roll of 4+ on 1d6. Each round will last 2.5 hours. Don't start a turn both players can't finish... Always leave yourself and your opponent at least 15 minutes to complete a full turn. You will have to record how many rounds you played each round to track slow play.
Everyone will play three rounds the first day. The four players to go undefeated the first day will be placed into the Gladitoral Bracket at the start of the second day. They will play two rounds to determine who is the one overall undefeated player and will be crowned Warmaster (Best General). The rest will be placed in the consolidation bracket and play three rounds the second day. This second bracket will have the award for Best Overall (combination of hard scores and soft scores). Best Army, Players' Choice and Best Sportsman will be decided by votes.
All models must be WYSIWYG. If you think you might have model(s) that isn't WYSIWYG then contact me. Any model can be removed from play at the discretion of the TOs if there is an obvious WYSIWYG violation.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
35 now registered * 5 slots have opened (updated on 7/15/2011)
I have talked with my fellow TOs and we decided to expand the GT to a total of 40 slots. Three more players have already joined the ranks so that leaves five more slots to fill.
If you wish to join the fun make a payment of $35 to my PayPal account (moodhoney@yahoo.com). Also make sure to send an email with your name, army and where you are located.
Monday, July 11, 2011
New sponsor - Spiky Bitz !!!
I'm very happy to announce that Spiky Bitz is joining our ranks as a sponsor. Rob Baer is a great friend and I'm very proud to have him onboard. : )
Friday, July 8, 2011
Sold Out
The GT is sold out. If you are interested in playing send me an email and I'll put your name on a waiting list.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Army Count
Here is the current tally for armies in the GT:
Blood Angels - 8
Deathwing - 1
Grey Knights - 2
Imperial Guard - 5
Salamanders - 1
Sisters of Battle - 2
Space Marines - 1
Space Wolves - 5
Total = 25
Chaos Daemons - 2
Chaos Space Marines - 1
Total = 3
Dark Eldar - 3
Eldar - 2
Orks - 2
Tau - 2
Tyranids - 1
Total = 10
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
GT Registration List Update
I have updated the registration list this afternoon. If you have registered via PayPal and don't see your name with an [X] in front then please shoot me an email (moodhoney@yahoo.com) and I'll add you to the list. A big thanks to everyone who has already registered for sure !
We still have slots to fill so if you want to play then feel free to register.
Friday, June 24, 2011
This coming week... some announcements
I will be out of the country next week (Sunday through Thursday). I can check email and the Internet in the evenings. Note that I won't able to put an [X] by newly registered players in the registration list until I get back - iPad has a problem with the Blogger interface. If you register next week I'll send you an email to let you know you are registered, so no problem - we've got you covered. xD
The cutoff is 32 players - 5 rounds will produce one player with an undefeated record for the Best General award. So if you are planning to attend don't wait too long is my advice as it's filling up fast.
There will also be awards for Best Overall, Best Army, Players' Choice and Best Sportsmanship as well - all winners will receive trophies plus ample prize support. It's looking like we will be able to hand out some nice door prizes too.
Anthem Games
This August there is going to be an informal get together one evening at Anthem Games in Tampa. Come out, play some pickup games and meet other players who'll be attending the GT.
Have a nice weekend.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Missions Format § Overall Scoring System
Hi y'all
I am going to post my proposed missions format for the GT. Feel free to let me know what you think as I'm open to any good suggestions. Note that my system is based upon how other tournament organizers are running their GTs such as Adepticon, NOVA and WarGamesCon (formerly known as BoLScon).
Win|Loss System
There are no ties - you either win or lose each round. There will enough rounds played so at the end of the second day there is one player who is undefeated and is crowned the Warmaster (i.e., Best General).
Multiple Objectives
Each mission will have three objectives. Whichever player wins the most objectives in a mission wins the game. Two objectives for each mission will come from the main rulebook (i.e., Capture & Control, Seize Ground and Annihilation). The third objective will be something different such as table quarters or have the most scoring units in your opponent's deployment zone. So for example if one player takes one of the objectives and the other two objectives are drawn then that player wins the game. If both players draw on the three objectives then the tie breaker goes to pure victory points - that is whichever player has the most victory points wins the game.
At the start of the tournament you'll be given two red Beaky poker chips to use as objective markers for Seize Ground and one black Beaky poker chip to use as an objective marker for Capture and Control. You'll also be given some Beaky dice. These are for you to keep as mementos from the GT.
Deployment comes from the main rulebook - Dawn of War, Pitched Battle or Spearhead. We might also use the old Cleanse deployment from 4th edition as well (i.e., diagonal lines across the table).
Number of Turns per Round
There will be six turns per round - no random game length. Each round is 2.5 hours long. You will be notified when there are 30 minutes left to play. Don't start a turn both players can't finish.
Overall Battle Points Scoring
Each round you will record if you won or lost and how many objectives you took. The total number of objectives scored over the course of the tournament is to track how well you did overall and place players from 2nd to last place for battle points.
You will also record how many turns you were able to play each round.
Pairings are random the first round and you can submit a list of your friends you came with so you don't have to play them during the first round (no more than up to five friends can be submitted). Pairings will be based on the Swiss system after the first round. For example if you are 3 - 0 after the first three rounds then you'll play someone else with three wins in the fourth round. That is, you'll always play someone else with the same record (wins and losses) each round after the first round.
Army Composition
There is no composition so you can design your army however you wish with no penalties or restrictions. You do have to follow the guidelines for the standard force organization chart (FOC) in the main rulebook.
I'm still working on how this will be scored. I like this system:
1) Did your opponent arrive at least five minutes early to the table for your game? (1 pt)
2) Did your opponent provide you with their army list (legible and simple to understand) prior to the roll for deployment? (1 pt)?
3) Did your opponent bring their own dice, measuring tape and templates? (1 pt)
4) Did your opponent work with you in a friendly manner to resolve any disputes of the rules? (1 pt)
5) Did your opponent play the game in timely fashion? (1 pt)
You will also be asked at the end of the tournament who was your most favorite opponent - this will be used for tie breakers if necessary to decide who wins the Best Sportsmanship award.
Battle Points versus Soft Scores
Battle points and soft scores are separated:
• The Best General award is based solely upon battle points.
• The Player's Choice award is based solely upon votes from players for their favorite army.
• The Best Army award is based solely upon a set of criteria scored by a panel of judges.
• The Best Sportsmanship award is based solely upon the players' scoring of their opponents.
Should there be an award for the Best Overall player? This would be awarded to whomever scored highest collectively for battle points, army appearance and sportsmanship. If there is enough feedback to support this award then it will be added as a fifth and the top award.
Any player cannot win more than one award total.
That's it for now - please let me know what you think.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
New sponsor - GMM Studios
I'm very happy and proud to announce that my good buddy Brandon Palmer from GMM Studios will be a sponsor. I'm not sure yet what he will have to offer but I'm certain it'll be something quite awesome indeed. Brandon is an amazing painter and has won many an award. If you seen any pictures of my Blood Saints he painted I'm sure you would agree.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
PayPal is Up Now - Registration is Open
The PayPal button is over at the top of the right hand column along with instructions underneath how to register. Make sure to send me an email at moodhoney@yahoo.com with the following information once you have registered:
* Full Name
* Army you will bring
* City|Town & State where you live
The registration fee is $35 for everyone!
* Full Name
* Army you will bring
* City|Town & State where you live
The registration fee is $35 for everyone!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Rhino Wrecks Give Away
In the first round of the GT the first three players to lose a rhino will receive one of these wrecked rhino resin pieces:
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Beaky Chips
Here is a picture of one of the poker chips we will be handing out at the GT to use as objective markers!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
PayPal is coming soon !!!
I've had a lot of requests for PayPal so expect to see this feature added to the blog later this week. Also I'm going to extend the pre registration fees through the month of June to help save you some money. : )
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Designing good missions for competitive 40k tournaments
I write for Bells of the Lost Souls and had this article of mine published this week. I would like to share it here...
Lets talk about designing a good and well balanced mission for a competitive track 40k tournament. We'll focus on straight up 40k from the rulebook, not Apocalypse, campaigns or other systems.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Next Level Painting, our newest sponsor !
![]() |
Airbrushed Miniatures Commissions |
I am very excited to announce that my very good friend Kenny Boucher has agreed to sponsor Beaky Con. Kenny has his own business painting miniatures and works out of Colorado Springs, Colorado. One of the awards we will be handing out is you send Kenny a pre assembled vehicle and he will paint it for you free of charge as per your own personal specifications (note that Apocalypse classed super heavies and fliers are not covered).
Here is a Blood Crusher by Kenny...
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
40k GT Mission Format
Hello everyone !
I would like to go over the scoring system and mission format for the 40k GT.
GT Scoring System
There will be five to six rounds played over the weekend to produce one player who is undefeated and will claim the coveted title of Warmaster. If you go undefeated the first day then you will play in the golden bracket on the second day for a shot at the title of Warmaster. Don't worry though if you lose a game or two you will then play in the diamond bracket the second day for a shot at the Best General award. There will also be awards for the following categories:
Best Army (judged by the tournament organizers)
Player's Choice (judged by the players)
Best Sport
Each round will be 2.5 hours with a half hour break in between and an one hour break each day for lunch. The tournament is 2000 points. There is no composition and sportsmanship scores have no effect on the awards for Warmaster and Best General as this is a competitive track tournament.
Mission System
Each mission will have three objectives (for example, kill points, Capture and Control, table quarters, etc.). Whoever wins the most objectives wins the mission. If there is a draw on all three objectives then the winner is decided by pure victory points. Each mission will automatically go six turns with a final seventh turn on a roll of 4+. You record how many objectives you scored as well as victory points each round.
Note that we will be handing out some black Vegas style poker chips with our red beaky logo for you to use as your objective markers plus some really cool Beaky dice as well!
I would like to go over the scoring system and mission format for the 40k GT.
GT Scoring System
There will be five to six rounds played over the weekend to produce one player who is undefeated and will claim the coveted title of Warmaster. If you go undefeated the first day then you will play in the golden bracket on the second day for a shot at the title of Warmaster. Don't worry though if you lose a game or two you will then play in the diamond bracket the second day for a shot at the Best General award. There will also be awards for the following categories:
Best Army (judged by the tournament organizers)
Player's Choice (judged by the players)
Best Sport
Each round will be 2.5 hours with a half hour break in between and an one hour break each day for lunch. The tournament is 2000 points. There is no composition and sportsmanship scores have no effect on the awards for Warmaster and Best General as this is a competitive track tournament.
Mission System
Each mission will have three objectives (for example, kill points, Capture and Control, table quarters, etc.). Whoever wins the most objectives wins the mission. If there is a draw on all three objectives then the winner is decided by pure victory points. Each mission will automatically go six turns with a final seventh turn on a roll of 4+. You record how many objectives you scored as well as victory points each round.
Note that we will be handing out some black Vegas style poker chips with our red beaky logo for you to use as your objective markers plus some really cool Beaky dice as well!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Pre Registration Discounts
Hi everyone !
We want to give you the most value for your money! You as a customer should be able to play in an awesome gaming environment on fantastic tables for a very reasonable price and there should be great prize support. Official registration does not begin until June but you now have an opportunity to pre register in advance and will be given a discount on the price. We are also giving group discounts as well.
40k GT Pre Registration Fee (individual): $45
40k GT Pre Registration Fee (groups of 3 to 4): $40/player
40k GT Pre Registration Fee (club rate, 5 or more): $35/player
The GT runs on both Saturday and Sunday. The price will be $50 per player once registration opens.
40k Combat Patrol Pre Registration Fee (individual): $15
We will run separate Combat Patrol events on both days. The price will be $25 per player once registration opens.
If you are interested and want to pre register then contact me at:
moodhoney @ yahoo . com
We want to give you the most value for your money! You as a customer should be able to play in an awesome gaming environment on fantastic tables for a very reasonable price and there should be great prize support. Official registration does not begin until June but you now have an opportunity to pre register in advance and will be given a discount on the price. We are also giving group discounts as well.
40k GT Pre Registration Fee (individual): $45
40k GT Pre Registration Fee (groups of 3 to 4): $40/player
40k GT Pre Registration Fee (club rate, 5 or more): $35/player
The GT runs on both Saturday and Sunday. The price will be $50 per player once registration opens.
40k Combat Patrol Pre Registration Fee (individual): $15
We will run separate Combat Patrol events on both days. The price will be $25 per player once registration opens.
If you are interested and want to pre register then contact me at:
moodhoney @ yahoo . com
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Welcome !!!
Welcome to the home of BeakyCon!!!
I am proud to announce the new 40k GT will be held on October 29 - 30 at the Marriott Hotel in the Tampa airport. If you are coming from outside the state of Florida you can fly in and never have to set foot outside the airport. The Marriott also has it's own parking garage if you want to drive. We will have some hot coffee to start off each day.
40k GT, Our System, Awards
The main event is the 40k GT (2000 points) which will run over both days and we are also planning to run a 40k Combat Patrol event as well. The format for the GT is based on the NOVA and WargamesCon competition systems; that is, there will be enough rounds played to determine the best general based upon their overall score for objectives gained each round. You will have the opportunity to play both days in the GT - there will one award for the overall best general (Warmaster) and another for second place. There will also be awards for Best Sportsmanship, Best Army and a Player's Choice award as well.
Our main sponsors are Games Workshop and Anthem Games (right out of Tampa) plus we are looking for some vendor support from great gaming companies such as Battlefoam.
Registration and E-Memos
General registration for the public should open next month and we will be sending monthly e-memos to keep you abreast of the latest details.
We hope to see you there!
: )
I am proud to announce the new 40k GT will be held on October 29 - 30 at the Marriott Hotel in the Tampa airport. If you are coming from outside the state of Florida you can fly in and never have to set foot outside the airport. The Marriott also has it's own parking garage if you want to drive. We will have some hot coffee to start off each day.
40k GT, Our System, Awards
The main event is the 40k GT (2000 points) which will run over both days and we are also planning to run a 40k Combat Patrol event as well. The format for the GT is based on the NOVA and WargamesCon competition systems; that is, there will be enough rounds played to determine the best general based upon their overall score for objectives gained each round. You will have the opportunity to play both days in the GT - there will one award for the overall best general (Warmaster) and another for second place. There will also be awards for Best Sportsmanship, Best Army and a Player's Choice award as well.
Our main sponsors are Games Workshop and Anthem Games (right out of Tampa) plus we are looking for some vendor support from great gaming companies such as Battlefoam.
Registration and E-Memos
General registration for the public should open next month and we will be sending monthly e-memos to keep you abreast of the latest details.
We hope to see you there!
: )
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